Monday, May 12, 2008

Survivor Fans vs. Favorites Finale

Well, another Survivor has ended - this one was a very entertaining one, what with all the trickery and dumb plays (like not playing the immunity idol when you've got it, then finding yourself voted off, and right after a different player did the same thing - um!). Since all my faves - Yau-Man, James, and of course, Ozzy, were already voted off by the finale, I was pretty much pulling for Cirie since she did such a fine job of pretty much manipulating the entire game throughout the season, I thought. I can't say I was real pleased when Amanda and Parvati made the final two (gosh, I was pulling for Cirie in that last agonizing immunity challenge) . So between those two, I really thought that Amanda would win Survivor hands down (though I personally didn't care who got the win between the two of them) - quite a surprise, I must say, when Parvati ended up winning. Okay, yes poor Erik made the dumbest move ever in Survivor history (so far anyway!) and I've seen them all. I was just, like, "don't do it, don't do it, don't do it" when Probst was asking if he wanted to give his immunity necklace up to another player - then he does it and gives it to - of all people - the evil queen Natalie. One last thing - - I thought Amanda and Parvati were close to unrecognizable when they appeared on the final reunion hour - so much make-up! To me, both of them looked much cuter when they were on the island with their hair just hanging or tied back, and no make-up, but maybe that's just me.

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